Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Deutschland Dateline

Good vibes: Gunter Hampel in recent years, still fighting the good fight for free jazz and creative music. Wonder what's on the iPod? Unknown photographer

Here's one that's been in the collection for decades. Back when I was listening almost exclusively to the so-called avant garde, I was delighted to find this gem in the dollar bins at my local record emporium – Rose Records in the Loop, as I recall. It was one of the first albums I ever purchased by a European artist, and I was very pleased that I did, even though three of its players are stars from the States. Though they weren't really stars at the time.

Hampel and his wife, vocalist Jeanne Lee.
In the '80s, I used to occasionally catch Gunter Hampel in New York, playing with his longtime associates, Perry Robinson and Mark Whitecage, among others. I think, by that time, Hampel's marriage to the stellar Jeanne Lee had ended (I never saw them perform together, much to my regret), and he was mostly leading a motley big band of dubious quality. At the time, at least, I thought his group wasn't very good. What impressed me about him, though, was his absolute dedication to the music. It didn't matter if there were more people on the bandstand than in the audience, he gave it his all. And doubtless still does.

So here's the first release on Hampel's own label, Birth, reissued by Bob Thiele's Flying Dutchman label here in America. Why Thiele put it out is a mystery, but then I guess a guy who releases Coltrane's "Ascension" would have been game for anything. Anthony Braxton is the star soloist while Steve McCall drives everything along nicely with a solid AACM pulse. Willem Breuker gets in a few licks while, surprisingly, Gunter is mostly in the background. What holds all the free improv together is Sister Lee's husky vocalizing – absolutely beautiful! The record is a prime example of the best of the free jazz movement, offering frenetic blowing with subtle, quiet passages and islands of melody engulfed in swirls of poly-rhythms.

So here's one for you progressive jazz fans, even though it's half-a-century old. As always, these files were created from the original vinyl with, in this case, no cleaning whatsoever. Creative music – power stronger than itself!

The 8th of July 1969
Gunter Hampel

Hampel, vbs, p, b cl; Anthony Braxton, as, ss, contrabass cl; Willem Breuker, as, ss, b cl, ts; Arjen Gorter, b; Steve McCall, d; Jeanne Lee, v.
Nederhorst, Holland; July 8, 1969; Flying Dutchman FDS 126
Note: Complete liner notes included in download

1. We Move
2. Morning Song
3. Crepuscule
4. The 8th of July 1969

Find it here: